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Re: How to use dmsetuup?

Hi Gene,

On Fri, Nov 03, 2023 at 12:27:19PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> Thanks for help with dmsetup.

dmsetup is very much the wrong approach for you - it's too

LVM alone is probably not the best idea either. For your use case as
I understand it, mdraid in RAID1 or RAID10 is probably the best

I regret I am not able to assist you with the problems you have with
your existing RAID10. Changing it for just LVM, or trying to do it
"by hand" with dmsetup are likely to be mistakes however.

Maybe it is time to just buy a "black box" NAS device and make all
this someone else's problem in return for money. It's not the way I
go, but you have had a lot of trouble getting your own mdraid to


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