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Re: EASY way to install packages from trixie/sid to stable?

On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 03:39:23PM +0200, Hans wrote:
> Hi folks, 
> is there a very easy way, if I want to install packages from trixie oder sid 
> into my bookworm installation?

That will depend very much on the package.

1. If you try a naive install, the package will pull in its
   dependencies. If those are very fundamental (think libc,
   for example), that will wreak havoc in your system.

   Most people will tell you not to do that (you will create
   a FrankenDebian [1], the horrors!). I have actually been
   doing that for a while. If you try:

   - be prepared to learn a lot
   - always have a plan B for the case an upgrade renders
     your system useless
   - ask here, but please, don't complain :)

2. A significantly less traumatic option would be to see whether
   the package version you are after is in backports [2]. You say
   you are on bookworm, so this [2a] would be relevant to you.

3. In case (2) fails, you can still try to build your package
   from source. Debian makes that as easy as possible for you:
   in a nutshell: download your source package, install the
   building machinery (build-essential, possibly dpkg-dev, the
   package's build dependencies, change into the package's
   "debian" subdir, and issue there the magic incantation
   "dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us" or thereabouts [3].

   Of course, that might fail, because the build dependencies
   can't be satisfied by your bookworm or something.

Of course, I left out a lot :)


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian
[2] https://backports.debian.org/
[2a] https://backports.debian.org/bookworm-backports/overview/
[3] https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/build.en.html


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