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Re: naming a partition after the fact?


On Sun, Oct 01, 2023 at 07:21:06AM -0000, Robert Riding wrote:
> It seems that there are various programs included in debian to create disk
> labels for partitions, so that you may have a line in fstab that looks like 
> "LABEL=home /home ext2  defaults  0 2" for instance.  
> These labels also appear in /dev/disk/by-label as links to disk partitions.

What you describe are filesystem labels, for filesystems.

This is an important distinction because a filesystem may be
composed of multiple block devices, but it has just one label,
because there is one filesystem. For example, a filesystem may be on
an md (RAID) device, which is composed of multiple disk partitions.

GPT partitions may *also* have names, which is what is causing some
degree of confusion here, and so it is best to avoid saying
"partition label" or "device label" when you actually mean
"filesystem label".


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