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Re: How to recover from a broken kernel upgrade

Hi Marco,

thanks for the helpful reply. I'll consider this but as a last resort.


On 2023-09-14 00:39, Marco wrote:
Am 13.09.2023 19:07 schrieb M. Cuffaro:

Consult /var/lib/dkms/rtl88x2bu/5.13.1/build/make.log for more
That drivers is incompatible with the current kernel.
How did you install it?
Uninstall it, then run the kernel update again.

dkms status
And try
sudo dkms remove rtl88x2bu/5.13.1 --all

Be aware that this drivers seems to be for wireless networking.
Most likely your WiFi with that Realtek adapter won't work.
We need to find a further solution, but make sure you have an Ethernet
connection to connect o the internet!

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