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Re: bookworm and network connections

Michel Verdier wrote on 9/1/23 15:06:

If you want old names put in /etc/default/grub


Nice to know, but I'll stay with the new names, I think.

network manager is good for changing networks. For a server the network
must not change normally. So you could put configuration in
/etc/network/interfaces.d/ with something like :

auto enp11s0
iface enp11s0 inet static
    mtu 1500
    metric 101

auto enp12s0
iface enp12s0 inet static
    mtu 1500
    metric 100

When I'm feeling less tired and prone to making a mistake, I'll do this.

The old method seems so much simpler, so I'd be happy to go back to it. It seems that enough people are using it that it doesn't seem likely that it'll go away anytime soon.

When I installed debian on this computer -- quite a few years ago -- I'm pretty sure it just went off and installed all the Network Manager stuff without asking. And, to be honest, it's worked fine for the last several years. I can't imagine why its so messed up now. I (obviously) didn't change anything related to Network Manager myself; the upgrade is entirely responsible for its now-non-functioning state.

I you want IPv6 add :

iface enp11s0 inet6 auto
iface enp12s0 inet6 auto

I would love IPv6, but my ISP doesn't support it, and has no plans to do so, so for now I'm stuck in IPv4 land.

Once it works you can then remove network manager

That sounds like something to celebrate. I'll try to get time to work on all this over the weekend, and let everyone know how it turns out.

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.


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