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Re: Please verify Gnome and KDE wiki articles for correctness

On Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 10:15 AM Dan Ritter <dsr@randomstring.org> wrote:
> Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> > Popularity Contest (https://popcon.debian.org/) would be good to
> > consult. But it looks like something is sideways. It does not provide
> > usage statistics for packages like kde-full and gnome. I'm getting the
> > message, "No Popularity contest entry for kde-full" (and friends). I
> > use kde-full and I have popularity contest enabled, so there should be
> > at least one entry.
> The basic problem with popcon is that it is opt-in, and nobody
> who is at all privacy conscious opts-in.
> (I fully support this decision. It is absolutely correct.)

A quick note with an opposing view... learning that I run libc or kde
on my Debian machine reveals information with little to no value.
Speaking for myself, I am not concerned about a privacy leak in this
particular case.

Telling the Debian maintainers I run libc and kde benefits me and the
community. Maintainers and developers learn where to allocate
resources. I think it's worth the leak since it benefits the distro
and the community.

> The result is that when a popcon entry exists, it represents the
> people who have opted-in to popcon, who are (in my opinion):
> - new users
> - individual users (not organization)
> - laptop users
> - desktop users
> If you are looking at a package and wondering about large
> organizations or servers, it's probably a bad source of data.

If an organization does not wish to share, then that's their business.
It's not the first time a company takes but does not give back. It
won't be the last time.

> For this particular purpose, it's actually useful:
> #rank name                            inst  vote   old recent no-files (maintainer)
> 1     perl-base                      219693 203274    17 16365    37 (Niko Tyni)
> 2     libc6                          219636 201427   609 17581    19 (Gnu Libc Maintainers)
> gnome-shell is the default window manager for GNOME:
> 738   gnome-shell                    53530 40495  4216  8804    15 (Debian Gnome Maintainers)
> kwin is the KDE window manager, so it's more or less as popular as KDE.
> 1402  kwin-common                    22176 15401  3453  3315     7 (Debian Qt/kde Maintainers)


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