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Re: Looking for a good "default" font (small 'L' vs. capital 'i' problem)

On Sat, Aug 19, 2023 at 03:29:22PM -0400, Christoph K. wrote:
> I'm unsatisfied with the default sans font in debian for use in the
> graphical user interface (in my case XFCE).

I use BSD and Linux, and my eyesight sucks.  For console work (23" monitor
that's about 2 feet away) I use an Xterm with one of the following fonts
(in order of preference):

    * xft:Menlo-Regular:pixelsize=20:bold
    * xft:Cascadia:pixelsize=22:bold
    * xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=21:bold

For browsing (Firefox), my "prefs.js" file holds:

    user_pref("browser.display.use_document_fonts", 0);
    user_pref("font.default.x-western", "sans-serif");
    user_pref("font.internaluseonly.changed", false);
    user_pref("font.minimum-size.x-western", 18);
    user_pref("font.name.monospace.x-western", "DejaVu Sans");
    user_pref("font.name.sans-serif.x-western", "sans-serif");
    user_pref("font.name.serif.x-western", "DejaVu Serif");
    user_pref("font.size.fixed.x-western", 18);
    user_pref("font.size.variable.x-western", 18);

Others I've liked:

    * xft:Edlo:pixelsize=21:bold
    * xft:FiraMono-Regular:pixelsize=22:bold
    * xft:Inconsolata-Bold:pixelsize=25:bold
    * xft:Meslo LG S:pixelsize=20:bold
    * xft:Meslo LG S:pixelsize=21:bold
    * xft:UbuntuMono-B:pixelsize=25:bold

If you get your FONT setting from the environment, it's easy to experiment:

    me% echo $FONT           

This script starts a new xterm with some tweaks to make it a little nicer:

    #<xtest: start a new monitor session.
    export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin

    # Start xterms -- options:
    #   -b 10           size of the inner border (not rxvt)
    #   -bd black       black border
    #   -bg white       white background
    #   -cr blue        blue cursor
    #   -fa 'xft:...'   font size and weight
    #   -j              jump scrolling
    #   -ls             start as a login shell
    #   -sb             use a scroll-bar
    #   -sl 4000        4000 lines of history
    #   -u8             UTF-8 support for graphics characters
    #   -si             output to a window should not automatically
    #                   reposition the screen at the bottom of the
    #                   scroll region.
    #   -sk             pressing a key while using the scrollbar to
    #                   review previous lines of text should cause the
    #                   window to be repositioned automatically at the
    #                   bottom of the scroll region.

    topts="-j -b 10 -sb -si -sk -ls -cr blue -sl 4000 -bd black -bg white -u8"

    # Get the font from the environment if possible.
    case "$FONT" in
        "") FONT='xft:Menlo-Regular:pixelsize=20:bold' ;;
        *)  ;;


    # 21 pixels makes a nice default size.
    case "$FONT" in
        *:*) ;;
        *)   FONT="xft:$FONT:pixelsize=21:bold" ;;

    export COLUMNS LINES
    geo="-geometry ${COLUMNS}x${LINES}-0+0"
    ( $XTERM $geo $topts -fa "$FONT" -title "Remote" ) &

If you use xterm a lot, building from source is worth it.
Get the source and GPG key here:


To build, unpack the source:

    export TERMINFO=/usr/local/share/terminfo

    ./configure              \
        --disable-setgid     \
        --disable-setuid     \
        --enable-256-color   \
        --enable-narrowproto \
        --mandir=$dest/man   \
        --with-x             \
    make check
    make install

It comes with a nice terminfo file.  I've had problems with "tic" for
ncurses >= version 6, so I use the ncurses-5.9 version to compile it:

    root# tic59 -V
    ncurses 5.9.20110404

    root# tic59 -s -o $TERMINFO terminfo

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Karl Vogel / vogelke AT pobox DOT com / I don't speak for anyone but myself

The Beatles: "I Get By with a Little Help From Depends"
                                    --Re-released hits for an aging audience

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