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Re: 11 to 12 - fresh install or upgrade

"Juan R.D. Silva" <juan.r.d.silva@gmail.com> writes:

> ... the freshly installed system always run smoother and was not
> littered with any old junk left from the old system.

I'd expect some objective data on the former. Did you actually do both
fresh installation and upgrade and compared those?

> Could you share your opinion based on personal experience? To install
> or to upgrade? Mine is fairly simple desktop system for home
> use. Nothing special, except maybe the need of dual architecture
> support and Wine to run one special little app.

Working upgrades is the reason why I run Debian, since 2.0 Hamm. I ran
that for years, reinstalled when I moved from x86 to x86_64
architecture. This especially on my main desktop where hardware changes
as I upgrade it. I have a bunch of other computers with fixed hardware
but same deal, Debian updates just work.

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