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Re: logging no longer standard?

On Sat, Aug 05, 2023 at 08:03:27PM +0100, Joe wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Aug 2023 15:09:41 +0000
> Andy Smith <andy@strugglers.net> wrote:
> > The release notes in particular are essential reading since
> > otherwise a person won't know about major components that have
> > changed, been replaced etc.
> Indeed, but they just tell us *what* stuff has changed, The job of
> finding out what has to be actually done in order to continue doing
> whatever we do, still has to be done, and that's time wasted.

In some cases, the release notes actually do tell you how to get back
to normal.

Where they don't, the wiki almost always does.  At least, the changes
that *I* make to it place a very high priority on providing simple,
clear instructions for how to adapt to Debian's changes.  Obviously I
can't speak for every wiki editor, but that's kinda the point.  The
wiki is *our* resource for sharing solutions with each other.

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