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Re: General question regarding SSD and harddrive

On 15 Jul 2023 02:30, Maureen L Thomas wrote:
So I have been looking at new computers and most of them come with SSD's but they are so much smaller than my 2 TB computer that I am not sure what is better.  I read a couple of pieces on different groups but still am not sure.  SSD's are faster but them have a quarter of the room for storage.  I don't use my machine for basic stuff and am not a heavy gamer.  Any advice about this would be greatly appreciated.


It's a balance between the amount of data and what you do with it.
Also, it depends on your patience ^^ Some people really hate waiting for stuff to happen on a computer, some don't care.

Generally, you put your OS and programs on an SSD, so your experience is snappy: they are fast and have a low latency. Then you put your data on HDDs (rotating rust), because you don't need speed but gigas/teras.

As you seem to want to buy a new computer and/or new parts, you'd install the OS on the new SDD, while keeping your old 2TB as storage.

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