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Re: Synaptic Problem

Hi Stephen,

On Fri, Jul 07, 2023 at 03:17:57PM -0400, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
> I have just installed Bookworm without any problems.
> However, synaptic has developed a problem:
> Google has not found a solution that works.
> I would appreciate suggstions.

My main suggestion is that you describe the problem in full,
extreme, maniacal detail such that you sweat blood and tears over
how much detail you have written, go to bed and have nightmares over
whether you have maybe gone too far with the detail, wake up
screaming at 4am bathed in cold sweat but resolve that, no, more
detail yet is required, so you go forth and you tell us what you
did, what happened, what you expected to happen, and everything

Because right now what we are working with is "on Debian 12 I ran
synaptic and there was a problem and that problem did not have a
solution when I entered an unspecified query about it on Google."

That's what you gave us.

Come on, man. No one should have to be saying this.


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