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Re: why bookworm isn't called deb12?

* On 2023 07 Jul 06:54 -0500, fxkl47BF@protonmail.com wrote:
> > Microsoft for good or bad has made major advances in
> > software and is responsible for a fair fraction of what we experience in
> > our Linux world.
> true
> if microsoft had ever produced a decent product
> linux may not have ever become as popular as it is

What MS has done has never been relevant to the creation of GNU, X, or
the Linux kernel.  GNU has always been a project to develop RMS' vision
of a Unix compatible system.  The Linux kernel came about because even
though Linus had access to Minix, Tanenbaum had no interest in applying
the patches Linus, et. al. wanted to apply to make it a more general
system.  Linus was only interested in a Unix he could afford and since
GNU lacked a kernel that is what he focused on.  MS was never part of
the focus regarding the creation of GNU or Linux.

- Nate

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."
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