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Re: camera problem seems to be solved

On 06/07/2023 18:57, gene heskett wrote:
gene@coyote:~$ findmnt --target /home/gene/Pictures/Saw4Bruce (didn't work)
/home  /dev/md0p1 ext4   rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,stripe=256
gene@coyote:~$ findmnt --target /home/gene/Pictures/Newjuly5dlds (worked)
/home  /dev/md0p1 ext4   rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,stripe=256

Looks like a purely application issue unrelated to udev, camera, etc.

Can you add more photos to Newjuly5dlds? To factor out camera completely, can you copy images withing digikam to these directories? Have you inspected folder (album?) properties as it represented by digikam? Are these directories contain files that are not images and that may contain metadata declaring that some directory should be "protected from writing"? Does digikam use akonadi? Does it connect to the session-wide instance or it runs another one in container? Maybe the application believes that some directories are managed by another application and tries to protect you from a conflict.

If you believe that the issue is at a lower level and your way to run digikam really uses namespaces, you may try to inspect its environment by

    nsenter --all -t PID_OF_DIGIKAM

e.g. output of "mount". However it is better to compare at first that

    ls -l /proc/$$/ns
    ls -l /proc/PID_OF_DIGIKAM/ns

do not identical

A sledgehammer for obscure issues is attaching to a process by strace.

After all, have you checked ~/.xseession-errors (if it is still in use)?

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