Re: Network setup on Raspberry Pi
On Mon, Jul 03, 2023 at 05:21:20PM -0500, Michael Jinks wrote:
> I have a Pi 4 machine where I've installed two OS's, the "house supplied",
> and Ubuntu, both worked fine so I'm sure the hardware is good. Now I'd
> like to install Debian.
> I've found one very slim image of that, which ran without issue, but left
> nothing in the way of a network. So now I'm trying to set that up from
> scratch. All I have is WiFi.
If these are Gunnar Wolf's from - have a look at the FAQ
section. There's a file ready set up which just needs to be populated
and uncommented in /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0
You can, of course, install network manager later on if you prefer all
your instances to look alike.
> I've been reading around the net, currently I'm at:
> ...I'm not finding any clues there. Hints?
> Thanks. Ergh.
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