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Re: FOSS tool to do general stats from text indata

Emanuel Berg <incal@dataswamp.org> wrote:
> Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
> > Those books teach and discuss some of the software that's
> > used. I doubt you will find them in debian's repositories.
> > Of course you can do plenty of computational linguistics
> > with perl or python which you already have.
> >
> > What is a "regular expression" which is at the heart of perl
> > and python? An expression which conforms to a certain type
> > of grammar. Perl and python are used directly for analyzing
> > text (any old language). You are learning basic
> > computational linguistics.  
> Okay, but if there isn't a tool readily available I think this
> is a window for a bunch of young programmers that feel the
> need to show their skills. It could be a degree project in
> Computer Science even, unless the Computational Linguistics
> guys have their own degree projects. If so, they can borrow
> FOSS and CLI from us and we'd get the tool as well when they
> are done, that would be a fair trade IMO :)

Well if you were prepared to type a search for computational
linguistics software into google, you would find several free tools
available for linux listed on pages such as


and other pages contining reviews of such software, so perhaps you
could start there rather than writing your own?

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