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Re: How does the bookworm amd64 netinst 738MB iso fit into a 700MB cd-r?


On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 6:49 AM Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup@gmx.net> wrote:
> I have no report of persistent damage. But drives can take offense from
> overburning and then need a power cycle.

Thumbs up for cdrskin. I use it almost exclusively to burn CDs.
Definitely my first go-to.

> I rather hope for a netinst-CD ISO without firmware as companion of the
> netinst DVD ISO with firmware.
> Once there was the "businesscard CD" ISO with less than 50 MiB. Very handy
> for xorriso regression tests.

Yes, I hope so too. The 300+MB netinst CD isos of previous releases
were a joy to work with. Quick to burn. And it was easy to get to the
non-free firmware page by following the links from the netinst page.
At least for me it wasn't a problem.


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