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Re: Running Debian without initramfs?

On 2023-06-08 15:41 +0100, James Addison wrote:

> Does anyone have experience running Debian systems without using an initramfs?

I did this in the distance past, some 15 years ago or so.  Have long
abandoned that idea, though.

> I'd be particularly keen to hear about laptop/desktop/server systems,
> because I think that a large motivating factor to use initramfs --
> across many distributions -- was to provide a mechanism
> outside-the-compiled-kernel to load additional device driver modules,
> and I'd like to check that that motivation is still valid.

s/device driver//

Loading modules via an intramfs is crucial for a distro kernel, because
the only alternative would be to compile in support for dozens of
filesystems that users might want to use as their root filesystem.


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