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Re: No space left on device ...

On Mon, 15 May 2023 00:32:01 +0000
Albretch Mueller <lbrtchx@gmail.com> wrote:

> when I try to save or download a file I consistently get the same
> error message:
> $ cp "No space left on device" > No_space_left_on_device.txt
> bash: No_space_left_on_device.txt: No space left on device

That *shouldn't* work. I get:

charles@jhegaala:~$ cp "No space left on device" > No_space_left_on_device.txt
cp: missing destination file operand after 'No space left on device'
Try 'cp --help' for more information.

But I do get a file created with length 0.

Try echo instead of cp:

charles@jhegaala:~$ echo "No space left on device" > No_space_left_on_device.txt
charles@jhegaala:~$ cat No_space_left_on_device.txt 
No space left on device
charles@jhegaala:~$ ll No_space_left_on_device.txt 
-rw-r--r-- 1 charles charles 24 May 14 21:04 No_space_left_on_device.txt

Also, I have no reason to believe from what you've shown that your
current directory is /media/user/60320G593EB7250F. Did you run

cd /media/user/60320G593EB7250F

before running the above commands? I would expect to get an
out-of-space error if I were still on the CD.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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