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Re: disk usage for /usr/lib on bullseye

On Mon, 1 May 2023 13:51:06 +0000
Bonno Bloksma <b.bloksma@tio.nl> wrote:

> Guessing on what I see these are libraries for older kernel versions.
> I usually clean up older kernel versions by using # apt autoremove"
> All 3 servers have 1 older kernel version installed according to apt
> autoremove.

Autoremove removes packages, it does not purge. The difference is that
remove leaves configuration files in place. So you have a tedious bit
of "apt purge linux-image-… [linux-image-…]" etc. ahead. Just be sure
to not purge the two most recent kernel packages, and especially not
the kernel you are currently running on.

> Why is this stuff there? Can I delete it?
> If I can delete it, is there a proper way to clean it up or do I just
> rm /usr/lib/modules/5.10.0-.... for the older kernels?

See above.

I conjecture that the reason updating the kernel removes rather than
purges old kernels is in case the user has a custom kernel and wishes
to preserve those customizations.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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