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Re: How do I report a problem about Debian 12 not reading USB pen drives?

On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 09:51:27 -0400
John LeRoy <w4jklleroy@aim.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> The Subject is my question.
> Debian 12 on my computer can't read USB pen drives. The drives are
> read correctly on a similar computer running Debian 11.
> I have registered on the Debian Forum, but can't find an entry about 
> this problem.
> I would like to report this as a bug, or at least get help diagnosing 
> the problem.
You will need more data to make a useful bug report or get help from us
here. On the offending machine, open a terminal window, type:

sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog

and return. If you don't have/use sudo, then su to root, syslog needs
root permission to read.

Now plug in a USB stick. You should see many lines of text added. At
the moment, try the same procedure with the good computer, see if the
logs look approximately the same. You're looking for an 'sdX' appearing
as the stick is mounted, X depending on what other drives you have. If
this isn't happening, you won't see anything on the stick, as you

In that case, copy and paste the log lines from the problem machine and
post here. From a terminal window, copy by using ctrl-shift-C instead
of the usual GUI ctrl-C. Oh yes, you stop the tail command by using
ctrl-C first.


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