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Re: /etc/fstab question (problem)?

On 4/19/23 14:26, Default User wrote:
On Wed, 2023-04-19 at 14:03 -0700, David Christensen wrote:
On 4/19/23 13:06, Default User wrote:
On Wed, 2023-04-19 at 18:07 +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:

Perhaps update-initramfs is necessary after restoring of
any chosen approach.

But, I cannot address Max's point about initrd(4).

At this point, I would run my daily backups, use an editor to put the
original /etc entry back into /etc/fstab, forget about messing with
on either file system, and reboot.  After reboot, I would run 'df
and check where /etc is mounted.  If /etc is "Mounted on /", I would
update-initramfs(8), reboot, and look again.

I'm afraid I don't quit understand why 'If /etc is "Mounted on /", I
would run update-initramfs(8), reboot, and look again."

Shouldn't etc always be expected to be mounted under /, as in /etc?
For example, right now on my computer:

df /etc
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/nvme0n1p2  23854928 5841492  16776344  26% /

/etc is a subdirectory of the / directory on the Unix "one big file system".

Some file system must be mounted at /.

Additional file systems must be mounted somewhere beneath /. Where they are mounted is call the "mountpoint". Mountpoints are traditionally subdirectories, and traditionally empty. When a file system is mounted there, the root of that file system is visible as the contents of the mountpoint.

On my system, the virtual device /dev/mapper/sda4_crypt has a mount point of /. That file system contains a directory /etc. So, in the Unix "one big file system", the directories / and /etc both come from the file system on /dev/mapper/sda4_crypt.

2023-04-19 14:38:19 root@taz ~
# df / /etc
Filesystem             1M-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/sda4_crypt    11145M 7016M     3542M  67% /
/dev/mapper/sda4_crypt    11145M 7016M     3542M  67% /

AIUI you want the file system on the the partition /dev/nvme0n1p5 to be mounted at /tmp. The way to do that is to put the relevant entry back into /etc/fstab:

UUID=6a105a72-f5d5-441b-b926-1e405151ee84 /tmp ext4 defaults 0 2

And then reboot.

And, would there be anything wrong with, either way, running update-

Would that be run as:

sudo update-initramfs -uv


Unfortunately, more confusion -- there are two Linux "Initial ramdisk" solutions with very similar names -- initrd and initramfs. Forget about those for now.

I would add the /etc entry back into /etc/fstab, reboot, run 'df / /etc', and see what happens.


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