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Re: /etc/fstab question (problem)?

On 4/18/23 18:12, Default User wrote:

On 4/18/23 07:59, Default User wrote:

I just realized that my /tmp partition is not being mounted at

Finally, after the current situation is resolved, I would still like to
know what caused the problem in the first place.

Looking back at previous posts:

On 4/18/23 07:59, Default User wrote:

> Current /etc/fstab:
> # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
> UUID=4fdd4399-6267-404a-a292-
> cdc7761df3c9	/	ext4	errors=remount-ro	0	1
> UUID=26EE-0EF5	/boot/efi	vfat	umask=0077	0	1
> UUID=00f0c2db-0490-4354-b949-
> f9af11a7f001	/home	ext4	defaults	0	2
> UUID=8bfeee23-9c09-45b7-a73e-
> bd2ff43e207c	/var	ext4	defaults	0	2
> UUID=e2a56ec3-99d4-4b40-9aa4-
> 24975143cdc7	none	swap	sw	0	0

> Original /etc/fstab:

> # /tmp was on /dev/nvme0n1p5 during installation
> UUID=6a105a72-f5d5-441b-b926-1e405151ee84 /tmp            ext4
> defaults        0       2

It appears that the fstab(5) entry for /etc was dropped when:

On 4/18/23 14:42, Default User wrote:

> My best guess is that I may have done a system restore
> using Timeshift on 2023-04-03, to back out of some unremembered
> problem, and the current /etc/fstab results from that.

I would try adding the fstab(5) entry for /tmp from the original /etc/fstab to the current /etc/fstab, and then rebooting.

(If this works, the contents of the /tmp directory of the root file system will be overlaid by the /tmp file system. To reclaim space on the root file system, I would boot the system using a live drive or the d-i rescue shell, mount the root file system at /mnt, and then remove the contents of /mnt/tmp. Note that you do not want to remove the /mnt/tmp directory, because it is the mount point for the /tmp file system.)


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