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Re: Apt sources.list

On Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 08:14:11PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> On Sat 15 Apr 2023 at 16:45:40 +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> > I would suggest that you remain on bookworm until bookworm is released as
> > stable. At that point (and only then) change bookworm to trixie and carry
> > on. As soon as bookworm is released, there will be massive churn.
> OK. But how is testing one day before the release of bookworm significantly
> different from trixie a day afterwards?

"Testing" one day before bookworm release -> bookworm.

On release day, bookworm -> "stable", "unstable" -> testing == trixie
Trixie is copied, essentially as the kickstarter for new "unstable".
"Unstable" == Forky. 

The pent up changes that have been waiting while the freeze has been on
all come out at once, potentially.

It might not be very much, but it could be a bunch of stuff, size, effects
unknown. Bookworm has been frozen-ish since January ...

It's as nothing to the "feels larger" shock to people who keep their 
Debian pinned to "stable" and suddenly get ~2.2 years worth of (possibly
incompatible) changes in a day, however, and then wonder what hit them.

All best, as ever,

Andy Cater

All best, as ever

> -- 
> Brian.

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