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Re: EPSON ET M 1120 new printer: If You can read this, you are using the wrong driver

On 15/4/23 06:52, Brian wrote:
The EPSON ET M 1120 doesn't exist. Do we have to guess its correct name as well

I asked ChatGPT3.5 about that text string. At least ChatGPT could figure it out

>>>>>>>>>> My Question

Linux printer driver and printer command protocol for epson ET M 1120 ?

>>>>>>>>>> ChatGPT response

The Epson ET-M1120 printer supports the Epson ESC/P-R printer language, which is a command protocol used by Epson printers.

To install the printer driver for Linux, you can follow these steps:

Connect the printer to your computer and make sure it is turned on.
Open your Linux terminal and run the following command to update your system package list:

sudo apt-get update

Install the printer driver by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install printer-driver-escpr

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Once the driver is installed, you can use the printer with any application that supports printing.


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