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Re: Forcing dhclient to not ignore tun0 interface when it's available

On 2023-03-07 05:01, David Wright wrote:
On Mon 06 Mar 2023 at 13:34:52 (+0100), davenull@tuxfamily.org wrote:
On 2023-03-03 16:00, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 03/03/2023 13:29, Tim Woodall wrote:
> > On Fri, 3 Mar 2023, Max Nikulin wrote:
> > >
> > > dhclient running for enp2s0f0 should detect that VPN is
> > > active and to avoid overwriting DNS settings that direct
> > > requests to tun0.
> > >
> > The hook can create and delete a file like rhis:
> > tim@dirac:/etc/dhcp (none)$ cat dhclient-enter-hooks.d/nodnsupdate
> > make_resolv_conf() {
> >          :
> > }
> I agree that VPN script may add and remove dhclient hook or may write
> some file in /run that is read by dhclient hook. They should cooperate
> in some way. In more versatile configuration domain resolution may be
> per-interface. E.g. hosts from the corporate domain are resolved
> through tun0, other sites through enp2s0f0.

I agree about cooperation. BUT  It would be much easier if everything
is resolved through workplace's resolver whenever openconnect is

I don't see how your workplace's resolver can resolve addresses on
your own LAN.

Well, I meant resolving anything on the Internet + work's private network. Not on my LAN

It obviously can't resolve hostnames on my LAN, but for the time being, there's actually nothing on LAN I'd want to resolve.

I have a network printer which I use once in a while, but it configured in CUPS by IP, not by (its 3 km long, weird,) hostname. And I don't use it often enough (so it's mostly off to save electricity) to spend time to create/test (then script) a route specifically for anything while the VPN is on.
So for the printer is inaccessible either way when the VPN is on

The printer being only thing on my which I might need to resolve… maybe one day. But it has a weird hostname harder to remember than it's IP (not sure if I can change the hostname for something human-readable…,
still learning about its capabilities and menus),
And I don't use it daily. So I'm OK with not being able to print with VPN connected

Granted, I might want to exclude 192.168.0|1.0 from requests sert to workplace resolver. But I certainly don't to think about each (sub)domain and whether it's should/can be resolved by worksplace or

If I have to specify all the domains I want to be resolved using tun0
It would be annoying to configure and error-prone. Because there
multiple "private"
different domains, in additions to private subdomains, of
publicly-accessible "parent" domains.

I was under the impression that the fifty-odd functions in the
vpnc-script we discussed earlier had a role in setting your
resolvers and routing for the tunnel with the environment parameters.

Not to mention redirections for SSO/authentication (depending on the
tool/server/where's it hosted, it not the same LDAP server),
or tools which multiple servers but without load-balancer/unique URL
for access. You just arrive on one of the servers.
Some kind of load balancing but different FQDN for each server of the

And some tools have literally multiples redirections before the home
page, across different domains and subdomains

I'm guessing that you're talking here about stuff at the other
end of the tunnel? Presumably they have sysadmins setting that up.


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