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Looking for "Package Verification with dpkg: Implementation" Document


I was looking at [the debsig-verify project](https://salsa.debian.org/dpkg-team/debsig-verify) and I cannot find which document is refered to in this part of the man pages:

> This program implements the verification specs defined in the document, "Package Verification with dpkg: Implementation", which is a more complete reference for the verification procedure.
> source: https://salsa.debian.org/dpkg-team/debsig-verify/-/blob/2ce143bb7a65fff3f5e837e788f621659cb67152/doc/debsig-verify.1.in#L27

I found [this document about signatures in debian packages][2] but it doesn't give many details about signature verification.

Any idea which document is this refering to?

Also, I tried creating an account at https://salsa.debian.org to create an issue on the project, but I got a HTTP 500 error during the process.

[2]: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-manual/deb-pack-sign.en.html

Cédric Van Rompay (Confluence Profile)
Leader of the Software Integrity and Trust team
Datadog Paris Office.

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