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Re: what method do you prefer for data transfer between nodes?

On Sun, 5 Mar 2023 16:22:25 +0800
Ken Young <ken@highwinds.cloud> wrote:

> Hello,
> The methods I know,
> 1. scp
> pros: the native tool in the OS
> cons: you will either input password or put key pairs into servers for
> authentication.

Not so much of a con. I now automatically add my public keys to a
machine as part of the bring-up process after installation.

> 2. rsync
> pros: it can transfer data by increasement
> cons: you need to setup rsyncd server and make the correct
> authorization.

Nope. rsync over ssh handles that.

> 3. ftp/ftps
> pros: easy to use
> cons: need to setup ftpd server, and the way is not that secure?

I use ftp only for one server where I don't have rsync over ssh
service. One of several reasons I want to abandon that server.

> 4. rclone
> pros:easy to use
> cons: hard to setup (you may need a cloud storage for middleware).

I don't use cloud storage other than my own nextcloud server.

> For me I most often use scp + rsync. and what's your choice?

It depends on what I am doing. I use rsnapshot for backups. scp for
one-offs. I use emacs' tramp mode to edit files on other machines. (It
uses scp by default bu you can specify other transport mechanisms.)

I also use unison, nextcloud and syncthing to sync user data between my
desktop and my laptops. The former is manual for occasional use, the
latter two run automatically as files change. The first two I use when I
am away to back up the laptop; the latter I don't use when away. (Hotels
tend to have crappy networks.)

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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