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Re: Perl, cpan Path problems


On Sat, Jan 28, 2023 at 10:47:01PM +0100, Maurizio Caloro wrote:
> root ~/.cpan/build/Perl-Critic-1.148-2# cpan Perl::OSType

Firstly, v1.010 of Perl::OSType is already included in default
Debian perl installs on Debian 10 (buster) and in fact that is the
latest version oif that module, so why are you trying to also
install it from CPAN? It will not give you a newer version of that

    $ perl -MPerl::OSType -E 'say $Perl::OSType::VERSION'

Secondly, once you do come to need some non-included Perl module (or
a newer version of an included one), you'll have an easier time
using "cpanminus", which you can install as a Debian package. After
you've done that:

# cpanm --local-lib=/path/to/your/libs Whatever::Module

This will then download, build and install Whatever::Module (and any
dependencies) into /path/to/your/libs/.

"cpanminus" is much nicer to use than "cpan". See its web page at
https://metacpan.org/pod/App::cpanminus for full details.


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