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Re: OpenSSL 3.0 support for Debian11

You are correct, perhaps I shouldn't have recommended that given I'm not sure of the OP's experience with Debian. I personally run it like this with no issues.

On 18/01/2023 06:18, David wrote:
On Wed, 18 Jan 2023 at 10:24, Ben Lavender <ben@benlavender.co.uk> wrote:

Stable releases don't always provide the latest software, generally that
isn't always respectively "stable".

The latest seems to be available via the repositories Debian testing and
unstable of which you can still run on Debian 11 if you configure it so.


Debian 11 is current Debian Stable release.
There's a page on the Debian wiki titled
"Advice For New Users On Not Breaking Their Debian System" [1]

and the very first item of advice there is
"If you're trying to install software that isn't available in the current Debian
Stable release, it's not a good idea to add repositories for other
Debian releases."

So it might be a good idea for anyone considering adding additional software
outside of what is officially packaged for a Debian Stable release to evaluate
the information given on that page regarding different methods of doing so,
and possible consequences.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian

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