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Re: request a replacement for Thunderbird + Enigmail

On Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 2:47 AM DdB
<debianlist@potentially-spam.de-bruyn.de> wrote:
> i feel the time has come to find a more up-to-date replacement for my
> email-solution, but ...
> Up til now, i am using Thunderbird (52.9.1 (64-Bit) + Enigmail +
> ToneQuilla + Virtual Identity and more ...) on stretch from inside a
> Virtualbox-VM.
> That allowed to correspond seamlessly with GPG users on more than 20
> addresses (from 6 different providers), while i was acoustically
> notified about the different levels of relevance of those mails, since
> 20+ years. (makes a huge database)
> While keeping this stuff alive for an extended period of time, i have
> been able to prevent the necessity to enter any passphrase manually, to
> decrypt/encrypt automatically, and many more convenient solutions to
> ease my life.
> Of course, i knew, that this could come to an end, but i have not found
> a valid replacement yet. The current Thunderbird fails big time at
> solving the GPG part, even worse: They (Mozilla/NSA/???) want to have
> control over private keys in their own keystore, built by people
> obviously not skilled enough to create a(ny) secure piece of software.
> That is why i refused to embark on the path of replacing the isolated,
> but integrated solution Enigmail with something less trustworthy, less
> flexible, and less stable.
> But i feel, i will have to start building up an alternative, could not
> yet make up my mind.
> That is why i am asking for your communities experience and recommendations.
> How are YOU dealing with encryption, with multiple providers, with
> addresses created on-the-fly, with a huge email history, and so on?
> Really interested to find a solution, that can last for many years to come.

Claws email with the GPG plugin is popular. It may be a good fit for you, too.



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