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Re: Some of the parameters used in my genisoimage command don't produce a bootable ISO image

Hello again to everyone. I've tried many times to change the pictures that I'd previously added inside the initrd file located inside the folder "/home/ziomario/Scrivania/PassT-Cubic/Debian-new/custom-disk/live/initrd" of my "BridgeVmOS-live-11.5.0-2022.10.07-amd64-xfce.iso" image file and it seems that the new pictures stick inside the cpio archive,but only until I "burn" a new ISO image with Cubic. The problem occurs after having burnt the new ISO image file created with CUBIC. When I look inside the folder / live / initrd.gz/ initrd / usr / share / plymouth / themes / homeworld , I don't see the new pictures,but I still see the older ones,the images that I have added inside the archive some time ago. Likely I forgot some crucial steps I did in the past. To achieve the goal I'm issuing the following commands :

mkdir -p /usr/share/plymouth/themes/homeworld

cp logo.png /usr/share/plymouth/themes/homeworld

cp debian.png /usr/share/plymouth/themes/homeworld

chmod +w -R /home/ziomario/Scrivania/PassT-Cubic/Debian-new/custom-disk/live

gunzip /home/ziomario/Scrivania/PassT-Cubic/Debian-new/custom-disk/live/initrd.gz

echo /usr/share/plymouth/themes/homeworld/logo.png | cpio -H newc -o -A -F /home/ziomario/Scrivania/PassT-Cubic/Debian-new/custom-disk/live/initrd

echo /usr/share/plymouth/themes/homeworld/debian.png | cpio -H newc -o -A -F /home/ziomario/Scrivania/PassT-Cubic/Debian-new/custom-disk/live/initrd

gzip initrd

chmod -w -R /home/ziomario/Scrivania/PassT-Cubic/Debian-new/custom-disk/live

Can someone give me a look if there are some mistakes between those commands ?

Furthermore,I would like to know how to remove a file that's stored inside a cpio archive (in this case initrd / initrd.gz),because after some intense searching I didn't find what could be the method. I've only read a lot of complicated and useless instructions. The problem is that the archive is always configured read only even if I set it +w. It does not let me remove or drag and drop any file from outside to inside of it. Thanks to everyone.

Il giorno mar 18 ott 2022 alle ore 15:36 Mario Marietto <marietto2008@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Your last comment does not seem to be properly nice,when you say "your verbose thread". Anyway,this is what you missed : "I want to achieve (to create a debian distro ready for passing through every nvidia gpu which works out of the box + various tools for achieving that goal and some pre-made configurations to use different kinds of virtualization tools". This is because the basic debian ISO is not  configured to do that and I see that a lot of users usually onfigures their installed OS manually. But since this takes time,I've thought about preparing a whole Debian ISO that does it automatically,only with a little effort by the users.  

Il giorno mar 18 ott 2022 alle ore 14:38 Curt <curty@free.fr> ha scritto:
On 2022-10-17, Mario Marietto <marietto2008@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello to everyone.
> I'm building my debian derivative distro not for business purposes,but to
> be useful to someone. Maybe I will ask for some money as a donation,but I'm

In what way would it be more useful, or useful in a different way for
different purposes, than Debian itself?

I didn't read the entirety of your voluminous and verbose thread, so
maybe I missed this fundamental precision somewhere buried within its



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