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Debian 9 cron = sounds are ok : Debian 11 cron no sound

People occasionally have a cron job emit some sound each hour. On my Debian 9 machine I hear Biff [1] barking. In /etc/crontab I have an entry to call a script bark.sh which does the barking. Typically

 0,1 0,12 * * * rprice full-path-to/bark.sh 12 2>>&1

where bark.sh is a Bash script which calls /usr/bin/play to play a .au file.

This ran for years with Debian 9. I upgrade to Debian 11 and hear nothing. The usual advice is
 (a) in /etc/crontab export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000
 (b) play the sound from a script.

But that doesn't work with Debian 11. Does any reader of this list have sound coming from a Debian 11 cron job? If so, how is it done?


[1] Unix folklore. There is a picture of Biff with title "Figure 14-3 Heidi Stettner and Biff, circa 1980" on page 206 of Harley Hahn's "A Student's Guide to Unix". McGraw-Hill, Inc, 1993, ISBN 0-07-025511-3.

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