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Re: Monitoring which of a list of machines is up

Bijan Soleymani wrote: 
> I want to monitor a half dozen machines and have a screen with a green dot
> for those that are up and a red dot for those that are down. For this it's
> enough that they're responding to pings. Half the machines are Linux half
> are not.

A good reasonably flexible system is smokeping. Debian packages
it. I use it to get ping and http/https request time for my
house machines and a few important outside machines.

If you have more significant future plans, it would be worth a
couple of hours to set up icinga2, a Nagios-compatible
monitoring system. It is also packaged by Debian.

(Nagios was the defacto open source standard, then the project
forked several ways as the main product went commercial.)


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