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OT: debian live-file-iso change in chroot?

Hi folks,

today I have a little bit OT-question, maybe someone did this before.

I want to change an ISO-file of a livefile (in my case it is a kali-live, 
which is based on debian).

Instead of building it from beginning on every time new packages are 
available, I had the idea, to boot the ISO in a chroot environment, then 
upgrade the booted ISO via apt, and at last save the updated livesystem as an 
ISO-file again.

Is this possible? 

I want to spare and shorten the time for download, unpacking, installing, 
configuring and ISO-creating of the whole system, as I believe, doing as I 
imagine will be done in about 15 minutes, whilst creating a fresh one lasts 
about several hours.

Did someone do that already or is my idea technical impossible at all?

Thanks for reading this.

Best regards



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