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Re: question re tar


On Tuesday, 20 September 2022 at 12:30:05 UTC+1, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> ...
> With this new information, it occurs to me that perhaps the OP did
> something like this: ...
> unicorn:/tmp/x$ find . | tar cv --files-from=- -f ../foo.tar

I prefer 'locate' to 'find'.  an no  guessing involved, as I wrote on
the 18th, the invocation was:
  $ tar -cvWf $arcname $fnames

where $fnames initially was a list in a variable (this is preparing a
shell script), then I switched to storing in those in a file and
  $ tar -cvWf $arcname $(cat $fname_list_file)

> ...
> For kicks, I'll also give option #3, which is:
> 3) Use cpio or pax, which are designed to accept find's output. Not tar.


> ...
> Finally, I'll end by citing an earlier message:
> > What are the *exact* tar commands that you used, to create the archive,
> > and to get that partial listing that you gave?

ah, the partial listing, I omitted to mention that it was simply
clipped from a 'script' recorded file.

> There's a reason we ask that kind of question. If this message turns
> out to be an accurate diagnosis of the problem, then the fact that the
> OP refused to give us their exact tar commands led to a huge delay in
> getting their answer.

assume I'm the OP.  refused?  (I guess you could have missed the 18th
Sep 2100h post)  anyway, appreciate you digging into the details.
have learned (a little) about 'tar' (who'd have thought? :-))

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