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Verify a mirror?

Dear list,

I asked myself, how can I check, if on a mirror are not manipulated packages. 

The background of this is: The institution of the government, I worked before, 
set up an own debian repo mirror, so that the servers of its network could be 
upgraded from it.

However, I mistrusted the institutation and feared, they manipulated packages 
and built in backdoors (for example) or other things.

Of course I can verify each single package with the original debian repo, but 
that is very toilsome.

I checked the apt-* packages, but none of it described my needs.

Is there a way (or maybe a package), how to check a mistrusted package and 
verify it against another trusted repository? 

Of course I know, any repo is trusted by a pgp-key (gpg-key), but then I trust 
the whole source. This is clear for me. But I want to check every single 
package (with identical versions of course), to give such traitors no chance.

Is this possible at all?

Thanks for any hints.

Best regards


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