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Area parameter of Wacom CTL 6100

I had this issue long back, when my wacom ctl-6100 was far exceeding my
4k display. But then it got fixed automatically with some software
upgrade in Debian 11 bullseye.

But recently, I plugged it in again to sign a few documents and found
that the problem has reappeared.

Can someone guide me how to diagnose, where the problem is? Here is what
I did,

Since Wayland is now default, xsetwacom doesn't show any
device. Although the tablet works. To debug, I disabled Wayland in
/etc/gdm3/daemon.conf and then tried to set Area parameter using
xsetwacom. But it did not help.

libwacom-list-local-devices command's output shows that the system is
picking up /usr/share/libwacom/intuos-m-p3-android.tablet and setting
Width=3 and Height=5. Ideally, it should pick
/usr/share/libwacom/intuos-m-p3.tablet which has Width=9 and Height=5.

BTW, libwacom-list-local-devices command works in Wayland as well.

Any further clues would be great help.


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