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Re: Predictable Network Interface Names

On Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 10:38:10PM +0100, Brian wrote:
Perhaps? Perhaps what? Perhaps it is a lie? freedesktop conceals
the truth and peddles false information purposefully?

Some people get excessively worked up over things like interface names and like to throw around strong words for dramatic effect. Just ignore the noise.

We've been over all this before. In general, for server-class systems, predictable interface names Just Work. These are the kinds of systems mostly likely to have 1) lots of interfaces and 2) a need for standardized build profiles. I've got quite a lot of these in production, and it works as advertised. One really nice thing this gets you that MAC-based renamed interfaces can't (apart from not needing to plug hundreds of MAC addresses into config files) is that when a NIC goes bad and you pop in a replacement...it has the same name. For most consumer sytems the interface name matters not one bit, because it's auto-discovered on install, will never change, and there's little likelihood that another interface will be added.

Then there's a small sliver of systems whose users like to shuffle things around, but for some reason can't stand having to learn anything new or change a config file or whatever, so they get unbelievably angry about a rather sensible naming scheme and throw out hot words like "lies" rather than just getting on with their lives. You'd think they'd just set their defaults the way they want them instead of venting on mailing lists, but the internet is the internet.

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