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Re: update, reboot required?

On 19/03/2022 02:32, Lee wrote:
How to tell if I need to reboot the machine after updating the software?

install "needrestart" package.

Description: needrestart checks which daemons need to be restarted after
library upgrades.
 It is inspired by checkrestart from the debian-goodies package.

  - supports (but does not require) systemd
  - binary blacklisting (i.e. display managers)
  - tries to detect required restarts of interpreter based daemons
    (supports Java, Perl, Python, Ruby)
  - tries to detect required restarts of containers (docker, LXC)
  - tries to detect pending kernel upgrades
  - tries to detect pending microcode upgrades for Intel CPUs
  - could be used as nagios check_command
  - fully integrated into apt/dpkg using hooks

With kindest regards, Piotr.

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