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Re: XFCE: ALT-F1 shows the wrong menu on Debian 11

On 28.02.2022 02:32, José Luis González wrote:

Upon upgrading to Debian 11, the ALT+F1 key, which is assigned as a
shortcut to xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu, according to XFCE's settings,
no longer shows the applications menu and instead the app menu button
on my panel appears pressed without the menu unfolded. A second key
press shows the CTRL-ESC (xfdesktop --menu) menu, not the app menu.

What's going on? I'm suffering from the same in both machines I have
with Debian 11.
It looks like "xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu" is a simple wrapper Bash script. All it does is trying to execute "xfce4-panel" with a long line of parameters and if that fails, fallback to execute "xfdesktop --menu" instead. Man page for "xfce4-panel" doesn't explain anything about "--plugin-event" parameter, so it looks like it was reworked somehow. The problem is that "xfce4-panel" never fails to execute with that undocumented parameter, so fallback option doesn't work. You can file a bug report about this, or change a command, assigned to 'Alt+F1' key combination, to
    "/usr/bin/xfce4-panel --plugin-event=applicationsmenu:popup"

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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