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Re: Startx works, but sddm/lightdm/xdm doesn't

John Goerzen composed on 2022-02-28 15:43 (UTC-0600):

> I have a system with a GeForce 1050 Ti on bullseye.

> On this system, if I log in as a regular user and run startx, everything
> works fine; KDE Plasma comes up and it's all good.

> But sddm doesn't work.  In fact, when it starts, it causes my monitor to
> go "no signal".  Oddly, though, if I can log in blindly, then once I hit
> enter after putting in my password, KDE will come up and work like it
> should.

> I also tried lightdm and xdm.  Both of them also had "no signal" when
> starting.

> It is using the nouveau driver. 

There are two nouveau drivers:

	kernel device
	display device

Both possible full-function display device drivers depend on the nouveau kernel
driver (module). inxi -Gayz will show both. Try switching from the one in current
use to the other. Adding or purging xserver-xorg-video-nouveau is typically the
simplest way to switch between them. /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ can also be used to
make the switch by explicitly declaring the chosen driver. The in-use display
driver is announced in roughly half the lines in each Xorg.#.log.

> There are no errors in Xorg.0.log,
> journalctl, dmesg, syslog, or the xsession log.  lspci doesn't show any
> other graphics adapter.  xrandr on the sddm session shows it detected
> the appropriate output at the appropriate resolution.  Xorg.0.log looks
> completely appropriate; detecting devices, setting them up, etc.

> If I boot the same drive on a different box with Intel graphics, sddm
> works fine.

> This is a fresh bullseye install.

> A am utterly baffled; I'd think at least xdm should work!
Try disabling Plymouth, appending one of the following to the end of the linu line
after striking the E key at the Grub menu:


If none help, try appending your display's native mode & refresh instead, e.g.:


If this works, likely an edit to /etc/default/grub about graphics handling or
theme, and regeneration of /boot/grub/grub.cfg, is indicated.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
	based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

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