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Re: Cannot login to my user?

Dear Thomas,

If you can login as Bob on the command line, try

journalctl --user

and look for some error from your last login attempt to the gnome desktop.

If you cannot login on the command line as Bob, try

sudo journalctl

after logging in as Sally and look for some error from your last login attempt as Bob.



On 2/18/2022 12:36 PM, Christian Britz wrote:
Mr. Anderson,

can you login to the command line?
If so, you could check the file .xsession-errors in your home directory.

You can also switch with "Bob" to Xfce for testing purposes.

If you can't resolve it, backup your data from /home/bob and empty the
directory (start with a clean profile).


On 2022-02-18 18:15 UTC+0100, Thomas Anderson wrote:
Hello Friends,

I have Debian 9, I know I need to upgrade my dist, will do that tonight
or tomorrow =)

Last week, I made a new user say "Sally."

Previously, for years, my main user "Bob" was running perfectly with a
gnome desktop.

Recently, I realized, I cannot login to Bob anymore?!?

The login screen loads as expect, i type in my credentials for Bob, the
screen goes black, then I end

up at the login screen again?!?

Sally can login. Sally happens to have a Xfce.

I checked that there were no root owned files on Bob. There are none,
since I read that could be a cause.

Is there a log file I can check for login errors?


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