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DHCP server for other site


I want to move my DHCP servers to my datacenter as I am going to shut down the hypervisor hosts on some locations.
If I just move the VM running the isc-dhcp-server software to the DC and change the ip of the VM then I get a warning when I try to start the dhcp software
Dec  8 16:12:12 lingro dhcpd[546]: No subnet declaration for ens192 (
Dec  8 16:12:12 lingro dhcpd[546]: ** Ignoring requests on ens192.  If this is not what
Dec  8 16:12:12 lingro dhcpd[546]:    you want, please write a subnet declaration

And as that is the only interface for the VM the dhcp software wil fail to start.
So my solution was to add a few lines to the config

shared-network datacenter.tio.nl {
  subnet netmask {

Is this the recommended way or is there a better way? I want to keep one dhcp server per location and not have one dhcp server for all locations. That helps a lot with keeping the configs manageable. ;-)

Bonno Bloksma

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