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Re: Social-media antipathy (was Re: How i can optimize my operating system?)

On 12/03/2021 17:41, Larry Martell wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 8:27 AM James H. H. Lampert
> <jamesl@touchtonecorp.com> wrote:
>> On 3/12/21 8:09 AM, Larry Martell wrote:
>>> I did the same thing - I resisted being on FB for a very long time,
>>> but eventually I had to get on because it was how my family was
>>> communicating and I was being left out of the loop. I joined as my dog
>>> only my family knew how to find me. Even to this day I am only
>>> connected to family members.
>> If they shun or ostracize you for not being on Facebook, they are
>> neither your friends nor your family.
> No they will still be my family, but I will not know what they are up to.

I'm just guessing, but how do they access Facebook and yet not be able
to use a telephone?

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