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Re: installing debian 10 without a cd and without usb but could use ethernet

On Thu 21 Jan 2021 at 16:20:10 -0500, Felix Miata wrote:

> Brian composed on 2021-01-21 11:33 (UTC):
> > David Wright's advice to use the hd-media kernel and initrd is your way
> > forward. The simplest GRUB stanza possible is
> >    menuentry 'Debian 10' {
> >    linux /boot/vmlinuz
> >    initrd /boot/initrd.gz
> >    }
> I'm having trouble thinking of how this could work. Grub needs a way to know where
> to find the correct partition/filesystem. My 2021-01-21 00:06 (UTC-0500) response
> included one example:
> 	search --no-floppy --label --set=root p03res
> It remains for the reader to determine the simplest possible example.
> https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/grub.html

In the absence of being told the disk and partition, GRUB will use
(hd0,msdos1). The OP did not specify more than one disk and partition.


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