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Re: Help request installing wi-fi/video-card proprietary drivers [Debian 10 stable]

uekilaw@libero.it writes:

I'm relatively new to Linux (~1 year distro-hopping dual-booting with win10) and a week ago I decided to install Debian 10 stable over Manjaro on my laptop. After the first (unsuccessful) attempt on installing a non-free firmware-included unofficial iso (live), I managed to install the official live iso (kde flavour).
Then I've followed the Debian wiki in order to install proprietary drivers.
First my wireless network (Broadcom BCM43142), successfully installed, then I tried with my video card (Nvidia GeForce GTX 850M) and while failing in the first and second methods suggested in the wiki, it also gave me instability for the previously installed wifi drivers.

Due to the several passages and fixes I've tried, I couldn't resume them all in the same post/email, so I would like to ask if this is the right format to ask for help or maybe an IRC contact would be more efficient.

Hello and Welcome,

IRC vs. Mailing List is sure to be a heated discusison. I'd argue it boils down to taste. Of course, IRC may solve your problem faster, but e-mail OTOH can be archived and kept for further reference more easily. In case you prefer IRC, Debian seems to offer that, too:

* https://wiki.debian.org/IRC
* https://wiki.debian.org/GettingHelpOnIrc

Wrt. the original problem, I think there are two routes to approach this:

* Given that your installation is new and that you have been distro-hopping
  it might be the quickest to take note of the steps to install the
  WiFi drivers and then do a full clean reinstall of Debian?

* Otherwise, a good start would be to find out what (major) steps you tried
  to get your GPU working. I recall having instability with Nvidia drivers
  mostly when trying to install the official NVidia binaries as downloaded
  from NVidia's website. My experience with the debian non-free provided
  drivers has been OK, though. Thus my first question to initiate solving
  the problem would be: Which installation method of proprietary drivers did
  you chose?

  If it was the file downloaded from NVidia, the first step would be to
  invoke its uninstallation routine, Afterwards, package
  `nvidia-installer-cleanup` may remove the remainder of a (failed)
  (un)installation attempt.

  Another question to approach the fix: Did it work on Manjaro? If yes,
  what drivers and kernel versions were that? I am asking because sometimes,
  hardware can be made to work by using a "newer" OS which in the case of
  Debian would be testing or unstable.

NVidia GPU on laptop can be difficult. In fact, I never managed to get mine working (on laptops newer than 2006 that is, old ones used to work). This wiki page might be relevant for you, too:


Thank you for being part of this wonderful project,

I am just a user :)


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