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Re: Add a hard drive to existing system??

On 2021-01-17 10:52, Jerry Mellon wrote:
Hello, New to Debian, but have gotten Debian 10.7 loaded on to my
system. I have an ASUS gaming laptop(dont use it for gaming) with
12gb of memory and intel corei7 and a 500gb hard drive.

My question is what is the best(use dummy for linus statements
please) way to add a second hard drive with 2T of space. I wiil use
this to store photos and documents etc.

On 2021-01-17 14:44, Jerry Mellon wrote:
Hi, The Asus that I have is G75V series. It has 2 hdd bays onboard.
The 500mv is the drive that is current installed and Debian 10.7 is installed. I have purchased another 2T Segate drive that will go
into the empty bay.

I don't want to do anything fancy, just install and update fstat.
The question is what do I do in fstat to set it up. Currently the
fstab file reads as follows.

Disk /dev/sda: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors Disk
model: ST9500325AS Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size
(logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal):
512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier:

Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/sda1 * 2048 951703551 951701504 453.8G 83 Linux /dev/sda2 951705598 976771071 25065474 12G 5 Extended /dev/sda5 951705600 976771071 25065472 12G 82 Linux swap / Solaris

Do I set the new drive as /dev/sda6 , 7 , 8 ???? and would it be a single partition?

I am curious why your fstab(5) uses "/dev/sd..." values for the fs_spec field, rather than "LABEL=..." or "UUID=..." values. Did a the Debian 10.7 installer create these entries?

As other readers have pointed out, "/dev/sd*" device nodes are assigned by the Linux kernel during the boot process and can change whenever drives are added or removed. Adding another drive (including an external drive) could cause the system drive device nodes to change, which could break boot.

It might be possible to rework the fstab(5) entries to use "LABEL=...", "UUID=...", and/or "/dev/disk/by-id/..." values, and then run update-initramfs(8) and update-grub(8). If the first attempt fails, it may be necessary to boot the d-i into a rescue shell, mount the root filesystem read-write, edit /etc/fstab, invoke chroot(8), run the updates, and try again.

Once you install the second drive and boot successfully, you will need to apply a partitioning scheme, create a partition, format the partition, create a mount point, and create an fstab(5) entry. There are a variety of tools for first two steps; I use parted(8) 'mklabel' and 'mkpart'. There are a variety of filesystems available; I suggest ext4 and using mkfs.ext4(8).


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