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Re: Looking for help with locale configuration

On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 07:06:34PM +0000, Rasmus MK wrote:
> Recently a python script crashed with the error message "unsupported locale 
> setting" after trying to set LC_ALL to an empty string and I cannot get it to 
> work with the en_SE.UTF-8 locale.

Setting any of the LC_* variables to an empty string sounds like an
incredibly bad idea.  I have absolutely no idea what that does, but it
can't be good.  Don't do that.

If you're trying to customize your locale, your best bet is to play
around *outside* of any desktop environment, because some of them have
a nasty tendency to override whatever you do, or make various combinations
and tweaks completely impossible.

Once you've got the variables working the way you like with a regular
shell login (or regular X11 session running a plain window manager),
then you can try to duplicate that setup in your desktop environment.

If your actual issue is "when I'm working inside my python virtual
environment, shit breaks" then I'm afraid I can't help you much with that.
Maybe someone else on this list knows about locales inside python venvs,
or maybe you could seek help from a python list.

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