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Re: qmail package in bullseye

On Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 09:58:11PM +0900, 황병희 wrote:
> Hi, there is no qmail package in bullseye. what's wrong?

If you wish to use qmail, the recommended way to do it is:

1) Install equivs, and use it to build the "mta-local" package.
   There's an example file for it:
   Read the instructions in /usr/share/doc/equivs/README.Debian .

2) Install the mta-local package (.deb file).  If you've already got a
   different Debian MTA package installed, this should remove it.  Or,
   you can use dpkg --force-depends to remove it manually, before
   installing mta-local.

3) Build and install qmail from your preferred source tree.

4) Set up the symlink from /usr/sbin/sendmail to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
   or wherever you placed the qmail programs.

5) Set up whatever method you prefer to start qmail at boot time.

The Debian packaging used to take care of those last two, but now it's
up to us.

Please note that the original qmail-smtpd is NOT good to use without
patching or replacing.  It was written in an era when spam was only
beginning to be a threat.  If you run qmail-smtpd on the Internet, you
WILL become a joe-job spam bouncer, and we don't want that.

If you're not up for the task of replacing qmail-smtpd, or restricting
it solely to trusted internal LAN traffic, then please don't run qmail.
It's not for everyone, and there are alternatives that would be a lot
simpler to set up.

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