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Re: OT: Interpreting math markup

Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 11:11:49 PM, Rh Kramer wrote:

> I'm reading various things lately (e.g., some Quora articles) in which, in 
> Firefox, I see things like (that's a simple one):

> [math]R_0[/math]

> I'm trying to find out what that markup is named, and then how to interpret it.  
> I've done some Googling and reading on Wikipedia, but so far no luck.

> Thanks for any explanations or hints!

Quora in particular uses a subset of LaTeX. Other comments I see in Quora state that MathJax is being used. 
I use this guide: https://math-on-quora.surge.sh when attempting to compose maths for Quora. 

For me, it Just Works™. I guess you're using more aggressive filtering and bocking than I do. 

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